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Thursday, February 25, 2010

The war has arrived! Greed Corp now available on PlayStationNetwork and Xbox LIVE Arcade

greed corp box artAfter months of build-up and anticipation, W!Games are happy to announce that Greed Corp, their fresh and innovative turn-based strategy game, is now available on PlayStationNetwork priced at $9.99, €9.99 or £7.99 and Xbox LIVE Arcade for the Xbox 360 video game and entertainment system from Microsoft for 800 Microsoft Points.

Already receiving an Editor’s Choice Award and 8.8 score from IGN’s Daemon Hatfield, who said, “Watching Greed Corp's tiles crumble into dust has been one of my favorite gaming moments of the year so far”, Greed Corp is the first in a series of games based in the rich Mistbound universe, a world of feudal warfare and environmental destruction. Wage war and battle for resources as one of four factions, each with its own campaign spanning 24 maps and 10+ hours of singleplayer gameplay. Take the battle to your friends with up to 4-player multiplayer (online, local and computer controlled) across 36 maps. Can you find the delicate balance between harvesting the land for resources and preserving it to stay alive? Will you defend your territory or sacrifice it to keep it out of enemy hands?

Featuring an innovative land collapsing mechanic which constantly alters the strategic landscape, you must destroy your enemies or the very land they stand on before they do it to you. Build Harvesters to reap your land for credits and spend them on armouries and cannons. Manufacture walkers to conquer enemy territory and order carriers to transport your troops across the map. Ultimately, defeat your enemies by eliminating their troops and destroying or capturing their structures.