Topatoi: The Pillar of Skies, the second episode of Topatoi, puzzle-oriented PlayStation 3/PSN platformer, released earlier this year.
The world of Topatoi: The Pillar of Skies is absolutely different and a little bit darker in tone from what we've experienced in the first episode, The Great Tree Story. Check out the screenshots, with all that cliffs and machinery. First of all, Topatoi: The Pillar of Skies offers the set of new environment, new enemies and new gameplay experience. The latter will feature light as one of the main gameplay elements, which makes sense since the world of The Pillar of Skies is dark and Topatoi is a puzzle-platformer game.
Topatoi: The Pillar of Skies is longer than Topatoi: The Great Tree Story, with estimated 10+ hours of gameplay and 10 bonus levels for the Arcade Mode.
We also must mention, that starting December 10 demo version of Topatoi is available worldwide. So if you're not familiar with the game, you can try it, while we're finishing The Pillar of Skies.
Topatoi is a game that sticks to old school traditions of the puzzler platformers, including emphasis on the original concepts and unique immersive gameplay. In short, the core of Topatoi's gameplay is based on the fact that player controls a small explorer vehicle that works like a spinning top. So the spin needs to be controlled carefully, as it affects the device's movement and behaviour.
Topatoi: The Pillar of Skies is currently slated for an early 2010 release, possibly January or February.