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Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Ishibashi: Battlefield 1943 EA Japan's Top-Selling Game Of Last 12 Months

Theatre of War 2 - Africa 1943Xbox Live Arcade and PlayStation Network download-only shooter Battlefield 1943 was Electronic Arts Japan's top-selling game in the last year, as "incredibly crowded" store shelves help digital grow.

So says EA Japan's Rex Ishibashi, as part of a larger Gamasutra interview discussing sales and popularity trends for the publishing giant, which is now making DS title Tsumuji specifically for the Japanese market.

"Battlefield 1943, which we released download-only in Japan, is our best selling title in the last 12 months," Ishibashi states.

"I'm sure you've spent time in Japanese retail, here. Store shelves are incredibly crowded, turnover is incredibly important," he continues. "It's hard, frankly, as a Western publisher, to get the attention that a Dragon Quest is going to get -- a game that is specifically made for this marketplace."

"So, eliminating some of the retailer biases, and being able to go direct to consumer, is an important step for us."

In particular, Ishibashi says a significant volume of download sales happen right at launch, and the availability of demo versions plays a role: "I don't think we're publicly discussing the downloads, but again, a tremendous number of units over literally the first six days after release. We're getting upwards of 60-70% conversions on trial-to-buys."

The full interview with EA Japan's Ishibashi is now available on Gamasutra, including lots more specifics on the Japanese market in general, and Electronic Arts' efforts in particular.

Source: Gamasutra