Developed by Tokyo-based tri-Ace Inc., Resonance of Fate redefines the RPG genre with a unique storyline, highly stylised graphics, and an emphasis on realistic gunplay and engrossing action. Players will be immersed in a gritty, highly mechanised world unlike any other.
With Hollywood-style action sequences, customisable weapons, and memorable characters, Resonance of Fate takes players far beyond the boundaries of the typical RPG.
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Partnering up with a respected developer like tri-Ace adds to SEGAs already great line-up. said Gary Knight, European Marketing Director for SEGA Europe. With titles like Star Ocean and Valkyrie Profile, the team at tri-Ace has proven themselves as masters of real time combat and great storytelling.
Known for their RPG developing prowess, tri-Ace Inc. has enjoyed critical acclaim for both their Star Ocean and Valkyrie franchises. Resonance of Fate will be released in Europe in Spring 2010.