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Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Reflection 16 September 2009 Konami brings Reflection to DSiWare First download title brings unique platform game to Nintendo DSiWare

First download title brings unique platform game to Nintendo handheld

Konami Digital Entertainment GmbH has announced its first DSiWare download title, in the form of Reflection – a platform game with puzzle elements designed exclusively for the new Nintendo handheld.

Reflection is a clever take on the platform genre, wherein players control a female character and her mirror images as they play through two stages simultaneously.

Players take on the role of an adventurer named Kirra who is charged with retrieving a magical mirror that has been broken, unleashing a shattered reality which has also split Kirra into two pieces: one good, one evil.

Players are essentially forced to control both a normal character and an upside-down mirror image simultaneously with the same set of controls, all the while solving puzzles that involve manipulating both characters. As the game alternates between these two sub-mechanics, gamers will have to learn to use both characters in order to prevail.

Reflection has been developed by Intrinsic Games, its beautifully-realised levels take the form of forests, cities and castles, and hidden within each are pieces of the shattered mirror. Once retrieved, the player is then faced with their mischievous alter ego, who must be defeated before the game continues.