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Sunday, September 06, 2009

New Global Agenda video game maps debut at PAX '09

The Penny Arcade Expo show floor is featuring the action MMO Global Agenda and introducing three newly polished maps and game-styles:

- Ice-Flow is an Escort map set outside a Siberian facility with the lights of the Aurora Borealis visible against the evening sky

- Seaside is a 3-point Ticket map set upon a massive drilling platform suspended above a storming Northern Atlantic ocean

- Climate Control is an Attack/Defend map set within the mountains of East Asia and populated with trees that sway in the blowing wind.

These maps have emerged recently from Global Agenda's Closed Beta Test 1 (CBT1) and have been warmly received by the PAX crowd according to Executive Producer Todd Harris. "First-time players are hopping on a station, playing team-based missions, and then returning with additional friends to play more", says Todd. "Our Dev Team here at PAX is thrilled to see players enjoying MMO game-play for its own sake rather than simply to level-up a character. Our booth is a grind-free zone".

Later this year, developer Hi-Rez Studios plans to introduce Campaign functionality which will initiate a massive persistent conflict between player created Agency groups for limited territory, technology, and resources in the world of Global Agenda. Players interested in joining this pending Closed Beta Test 2 (CBT2) phase of Global Agenda can apply at