Play PlayStation 3 - Heavy rain video game before it's released with download demo
The EU blog ran an interview with Guillaume De Fondaumiere, Co-CEO Of Quantic Dream, the developers behind PS3 exclusive Heavy Rain. Whilst worth watching in its own right, it’s the replies to the comments, more candid that usual, that are the bones of this post. When asked about the E3 demo, Alex Pavey, European Product Manager for the game replied: “the ‘Taxidermist Demo’ from E3/Leipzig 2008 certainly won’t be going to waste. But I can’t say any more than that, for now at least.” On the same subject but replying to another poster, Pavey said “there won’t be a downloadable demo available in the immediate future, but rest assured that we’re definitely planning to give players opportunities to try Heavy Rain for themselves, before the game is released.”
He was also asked about Home integration, to which he said: “there’s such a great community in Home, and we’re definitely thinking about ways to bring Heavy Rain into it. I can’t say more than that for now, but Home is certainly in Quantic Dream’s thoughts.” Other soundbites of interest from Alex Pavey? “DLC is certainly a possibility,” for one, and on Trophies: “Quantic Dream are working hard on a way of integrating trophies into the game in way that will contribute to the experience, and not detract from the atmosphere.” The game is out in early 2010, and looks certain to cause a bit of stir when it does.