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Thursday, July 30, 2009

Gates of Andaron video game Now Open to All Brave Adventurers download now!

Gates of Andaron video gameGameforge announce the opening of a new client-based MMOG, Gates of Andaron. Gamers will be introduced to the battle between the kingdoms of Valorian and Derion in the Gates of Andaron. The fantasy game, developed by Korean MMOG developer Zemi Interactive, is available for free to courageous fortune-seekers everywhere at

War has ravaged the kingdoms of Valorian and Derion. Those who were once allies are now hostile enemies. While the origin of the conflict has been lost over time, both kingdoms have created their own versions of the story behind the bloody conflict. The only thing certain is that the key to ending the war between the two kingdoms lies hidden in ancient, almost-forgotten tales and sagas. The quest to reveal the truth and end the everlasting struggle is a task for only the bravest of adventurers.

Whether playing as a human, feline or fairy, as an ally to one of the warring kingdoms you will face deadly challenges that can only be surmounted through the might of sword and power of magic. Not only will your journey take you through the world of modern Iberia, but it will transport you to distant lands deep in the depths of Andaron's history. In Gates of Andaron, terrifying monsters and epic battles await as you rise above the betrayal and become a hero for all eternity.

Gates of Andaron features:

• R.S.C.S. - Real-time Strategic Command System: For fast-paced combat situations, the Real-time Strategic Command System helps you keep an overview, stay in control, and lead your combatants into battle quickly and conveniently.
• Motivating PvP Scoring System: While conquering terrain and completing special missions in grueling player versus player (PvP) battles, earn valuable honor and achievement points that enable you to purchase additional, exclusive items for your character.
• Expansive Customization Options: The crafting system allows you to create your own armor. With the help of skilled NPC's and special items, you are able to add improvements and visual effects to your weapons and equipment and prepare helpful potions.
• Cooperative Gameplay: Having another player by your side not only provides camaraderie, but allows you to share life energy and collect experience points together as you progress through challenging battles.