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Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Risen Xbox 360 video game box design

risen xbox game boxJust like Risen, the new RPG from Piranha Bytes, the website offers different approaches for mastering the challenges that players encounter. From the beach, a path leads into a dense tropical forest – what dangers may lurk there, and where is the best direction to turn? By keeping a close eye on their surroundings, players can discover all kinds of secrets here. Wild beasts and odd creatures haunt the twisted paths that lead deep into the interior of the island. Watch out, or you may be in for a nasty surprise!

The already familiar Risen blog, which provides topical news about the development of the game, is also continued and keeps offering fans all kinds of information from the world of Risen.

About Risen:

This epic role playing game is set in a medieval world on a volcanic Mediterranean island, The “Risen” story unfolds over four chapters and will offer multiple ways to develop the story by his own actions and decisions. An innovative and intuitive user control interface will support both casual and hardcore gamers. With full world streaming support, the player will have a seamless experience while playing in a fully simulated game world with authentic characters.