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Friday, May 29, 2009

Beta 1.0 for 7Million free MMO video game begins

7 miilion game FemaleDeep Silver announce 7Million has now reached Beta 1.0 status. This means that the urban MMO has completed the Closed Beta run, and is now accessible to everyone in the updated version.

During the Beta 1.0, 7Million will keep changing and developing; of course, as before, every update will incorporate feedback from the players.

The freely accessible version contains numerous further developments, such as a new login system that allows each player to have multiple characters, tools for the various mini-games, a reputation system for missions and social quests, and, of course, many improvements to missions and performance.

Interested gamers will find more information about Beta 1.0 and the client at

7Million is a free massively multiplayer online game, set in a modern world full of life, style, and spectacular heists. The freely explorable setting of Paradise City serves as a back-ground for numerous thrilling missions and as a meeting point for gamers from all over the world who meet and team up here with their individually created characters.

7Million is developed by Team Vienna and produced by Cliffhanger Productions.