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Sunday, April 26, 2009

Stalin v Martians upcoming arcade-RTS game out on April 29th

Download free video game musicStalin v Martians, as the name suggests, is a game both masterfully trashy and absolutely over-the-top. Fun and accessible, it takes a simple arcade-like approach to the genre of real-time strategy. The player controls the Red Army, as it defends Earth from the Martian Invasion of 1942, a highly classified military operation which even today remains a closely guarded state secret.

Stalin himself conducts the mission briefings and later even becomes a playable unit.

“The game is ready for deployment,” said Tom Söderlund, Executive Producer at Mezmer Games. “Fans of historically inaccurate World War II games everywhere will rejoice.”

Stalin v Martians will be available on all leading digital distribution portals including GamersGate, Direct2Drive, Steam and Impulse.

Download free music from the game here...