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Saturday, February 07, 2009

Left 4 Dead Download Content coming soon for Xbox 360 and PC

left 4 dead video gameLooks like our four bloodied but unbowed survivors—Louis, Francis, Zoey, and Bill—will live to fight the zombie horde another day, thanks to a downloadable add-on slated for the spring.
I don't know about you, but "Left 4 Dead"—the relentless, blood-soaked, yet slyly tongue-in-cheek survival game—quickly became one of my favorite console zombie-fests upon its release last November.
I have to admit, I spent a little too much time on Christmas Eve leading my rag-tag team through deserted city streets, hospitals, and supermarkets, coldly dispatching the shambling undead with an assortment of shotguns, hunting rifles, automatic weapons, and pipe bombs (much to my wife's disgust, I might add).

So yes, zombie fans—get ready for the Left 4 Dead "Survival Pack," which (according to Wired's Game|Life) should be lurching our way sometime this spring.

Details are pretty scarce for now (here's the official press release); what we do know, however, is that we'll be getting a pair of new campaigns for the L4D "Versus" mode (the four-on-four multiplayer mode that pits humans against creatures), as well as a new multiplayer game, dubbed "Survival." (Similar to the "zombie" mode in Call of Duty: World at War, perhaps? Hmmm…)

Also on tap: A Left 4 Dead software development kit that'll let coders build their own custom campaigns for the PC.

Valve hasn't announced specific dates yet for either the L4D SDK or the "Survival" DLC pack; the development kit will arrive free of charge, but I'm guessing we'll have to pony up for the DLC. Stay tuned.

Source: Yahoo