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Saturday, January 31, 2009

Samuel L. Jackson wants you to kick butt in Afro Samurai

afro samuraiSamuel L. Jackson and Kelly Hu, who provide voices for Afro Samurai/Ninja Ninja and Okiku in the new Afro Samurai video game, told reporters they enjoyed putting M-rated violence in players' hands. Jackson, who also produces the TV series on which the game is based, felt violence was imperative to the Afro Samurai experience.

"I just wanted to make sure the game was true to the spirit of the series itself," Jackson told a group of reporters on Tuesday in Hollywood at the game's red-carpet premiere. "That it was sexy, that it was hip and had the elements of old and new and that the violence was of a level that made people really want to play it."
Okiku is a non-playable character in the game, but she still fights in the background and in cinematic sequences. Hu had to provide more grunts and huffs than a normal episode of the show requires.

"It's a lot more fighting, I think," Hu said on the red carpet. "A lot more fighting noises and stuff like that that you have to do for the game, but pretty much the same thing. I use the same voice. It's the same character."

Though she has not played the final game yet herself, Hu hopes that the player can actually kill her. "That would be fun, though, wouldn't it?" she said. "It wouldn't be the first time I died in a video game though, you know."

Jackson noticed no difference between recording voices for the game and the show. "Not at all," he said. "Same as on the series. I still do Afro Samurai and Ninja Ninja, the two characters, him and his alter ego or audience member that travels around with him."

The actor and samurai enthusiast added that video games are not his strong suit: "Not a big gamer, no."

The Afro Samurai game is in stores now for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.

Source: Sci-Fi wire