He’s a bit of a worrier – always checking and double-checking everything, and constantly worried about his own health. In the old days, he was a bit of a bon vivant, and elements of that seep through in the way he is now. But what has caused him to change so much? Is there a terrible secret in his past? Why does D-Troit hate him so much?
The Professor is very intelligent; you don’t get to where the Professor is through luck alone. He’s a smart man, but increasingly old and doddery. He tends to forget where he puts things, and probably doesn’t have too many of his own teeth anymore.
The professor is also a bit of a worrier and hypochondriac. Not all the time, just when he’s at work, or stressed. It wasn’t always like this, back in the old days, there wouldn’t be a fashionable dinner party in town that the Professor wasn’t invited to. He loved the finer things in life, but some terrible event in his life seems to have changed him.
About CID The Dummy
A star is born and he's made to last. CID THE DUMMY makes his debut in Oxygen Games’ all-new action platformer. CID THE DUMMY is sure to grab you with its enjoyable, fun gameplay, featuring a totally original character with charisma and lots of moves. CID has many different fighting styles with which to battle enemies, from unarmed combat to weapons like the Bazooka that can freeze, hit and burn.
• Interact as only a crash impact dummy can. Climb walls, swing on ropes, burn obstacles, destroy exploding barrels, use lifters, bounce on springs and with a neat head butt destroy walls all in stunningly realized environments. Game environment interaction is the most important part of the gameplay.CID The Dummy will be released on Wii, Playstation 2, PSP System, and PC.
• CID's world is swarming with a host of fearfully fun enemies like the Dumper, Cursed Dummy and the bizarre Failed Experiment.
• Apart from fighting enemies, the player will enjoy solving puzzles, avoiding traps and using acrobatic skills to get out of dangerous situations!