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Sunday, November 30, 2008

Left 4 Dead zombie battle on xbox 360 and PC

left 4 dead
Just go on without me!" I shout. I'm pinned to the ground, a swarm of infected stamping on me. I fire blindly into the crowd, trying to help another survivor who's being tongued to death. A stray bullet severs the lengthy, constricting tongue and he runs for the safe house. Someone is in there already, waiting by the door. Norman, I think. Just like him to get away.

As I'm overwhelmed the safe house door is closed. BLAMMO, BANG. "DIE YOU ZOMBIE B*STARDS!" Level over.

Yes, I said "level". For a moment there I was in an '80s action movie, sacrificing my life so that others could live. Left 4 Dead does that to you. It's an entirely new way of playing games with friends.

You and up to three others battle through one of four movie-inspired apocalyptic backdrops, trying to reach safety, and that generates war stories like nothing else I've played. With four players working together against the overwhelming odds, plans are born out of desperation, some meagre supplies and a lot of luck.

Read the review on CVG here...

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