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Thursday, October 02, 2008

Spiderman - Web of Shadows for Nintendo Wii

spiderman web of shadow
I’ll admit, I was scared to see Spider-Man on the Nintendo Wii. I was having flashbacks of Spider Man 3’s horrible textures and extreme Superman fog.

But Treyarch did an amazing job on this one, built from the ground up for the Nintendo Wii and not a port of the PlayStation 2 version. You can see the differences. No more fog, amazing city geometry, the ability to destroy things like in the other console versions… it’s all there. The game on all consoles is great and there were no sacrifice made for the the Nintendo Wii version, which is not only nice, but it makes me want to high-five the developer and say, “yeah! that’s how it’s done”!

The biggest addition in this game is fighting in the air.

spiderman web of shadow
The air combat is so fluid that I thought I was playing a Tony Hawk game, chaining all my combos together and never hitting the ground. Shaba Games, who’s doing the Xbox 360 version, are the ones that came up with air combat system.

They have wanted to do something like this for about 10 years. They wanted it to feel like playing an extreme sports game, only with combat. And it does.

From four colour rebellion here...

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