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Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Multiwinia: Survival of the Flattest present Multiwinia Mondays!

As the release of Multiwinia: Survival of the Flattest inches ever closer, we bring you the launch of Multiwinia Mondays!

For the next 6 weeks, we dedicate Mondays to showcasing all that's new in Multiwinia. Each Monday, we will be bringing you a whole host of new content, including video tutorials of each of the 6 game modes, the latest screens, wallpapers, artwork, and interviews with the developers themselves.

This Monday 11th August, we dedicate to the first of Multiwinia’s game modes: Domination - an epic tale of stickman slaughter where you must fell your enemies’ armies by controlling as many spawn points on the map as possible! Click here to view the first of our fantastic animated walk-through.

About Multiwinia

Multiwinia: Survival of the Flattest is Introversion’s fourth stand-alone title due to be released on the 19th September 2008. With a choice of six action-packed multiplayer game modes, and 40 unique maps set in one of the most beautiful, retro-arcade inspired game environs ever created, Multiwinia promises to be the ultimate homage to the halcyon days of gaming. Challenge your opponent to a game of stick-man slaughter, and watch digital-war unfold, as your Multiwinian army struggles to complete a chosen task faster and better than your rival’s. It’s fast, it’s furious, and only the flattest will survive!

Multiwinia will be available to demo and buy from the Introversion Store, Steam and all major retailers.