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Thursday, August 07, 2008

Guitar Hero Nintendo DS may surprise you

GUITAR HERO-  ON TOUR Imagine someone came to you and said "Hey, I just invented a cheetah that dispenses napkins!" You'd be pretty impressed at first, I'm sure. But then you'd just be confused, because you wouldn't be able to figure out exactly why anyone would want to do that.

That's Guitar Hero - On Tour

If someone had to put a version of the music game (which is typically played with an undersized plastic guitar controller) onto Nintendo's portable DS system, this is probably the best way of doing it. A DS add-on (included with the game) applies four buttons to the side of the console, and players must hold in the right combination of them and strum along with the music.

The songs (all full pop/rock songs) sound really great, it's shocking that they all fit on one DS cart. But as my wife and I (both music game fans) played around with it, the question we kept coming back to was "Why?" Why would one want to play this party game without a big TV and the faux-guitar controller?

Speaking as two people who've spent endless hours with plastic guitars, we both agreed it was infinitely less fun watching someone strum a pick-shaped stylus across the DS's tiny screen.

If you're at home, I imagine you want to actually play "Guitar Hero." If you're on the go, I imagine you don't want to look like a doofus. If you don't fit into either of these categories though, "Guitar Hero: On Tour" is probably the best you're going to do.