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Friday, August 08, 2008

Disciples III New Assets - Angel

When people are vehemently dedicated to the faith of the Highfather, and magically endowed with abilities from the moment of their birth, but choose the path of a warrior, not a priest or a magician, they become Angels.

This hidden strength helps them to move quickly on their path, and they will soon receive the rank of knight. And then, win the honor of becoming an Imperial Knight. But by that time, they are usually no longer occupied by terrestrial life, so that very soon they leave this world and rise to the throne of God.

However, in turbulent times, when the Empire needs every sword that is available, it happens sometimes that some of the angels time on the ground is delayed in order to help defend the right.

To support (and keep) them in the imperial service, a special chapel needs to be built in the capital, where a continuous prayer takes place as long as at least one of the angels is battling in Nevendaar for the Empire.

For those that were once knights in the smithy, in the territory of the chapel, the monk-smiths are manufacturing helmets and armour from the celestial (meteorite) iron that has received a special blessing.

Messengers of God are not required to carry any other earthly weapons, such as swords, spears, etc. All that remains for them in the past, is their human life.

Henceforth, they were granted new and terrible weapons, such as the divine wrath of lightning. And there is no enemy who could resist this power.

Comrades who had to fight shoulder to shoulder with the angels, tell that there is not a more beautiful or terrible spectacle than the dazzling white wings hovering over a battlefield. The opponents however, are usually unable to detect a thing.