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Sunday, August 31, 2008

Burnout Paradise download content free to stop you selling your game... video games
EA plan a load of new content for Burnout Paradise for free to try to convince you not to sell your game second hand - why?

Game developers and publishers loose out on second hand games sales and they want you to hold onto your games and download additional content.

Jens Uwe fro EA says...
“What we’re trying to do is build business models that are more and more online-supported with additional services and additional content that you get online. So people will see the value in not just getting that physical disc to play at home alone, but actually playing those games online and paying for them.” …

“In our understanding of the business model we are actually giving away the rights to play, and if you just pass it on, pass it on, pass it on, that is not comparable to second-hand sales in the normal physical goods area where you have physical wear-out - second-hand cars, second-hand clothes, second-hand books… they’re all physically wearing out, so you have an inferior quality product.” …
“But digital goods is not actually becoming inferior in quality, so people passing that on is actually very challenging for us.”
The next big change will be the iTunes model where you buy the game online from Xbox Live or PlaySation Store - that removes the option to resell the game.

Bike pack image from new download content on PS3 and Xbox.

Until that happens just enjoy the free updates -