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Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Sony PlayStation Network's Top Ten Games

The PlayStation Network's 2.8 million registered users have been busy, downloading 46 million pieces of content so far. Some of the most popular items downloaded by the service's overwhelmingly male audience (92 percent) were, naturally, games.

The top ten games downloaded purchased the United States were fl0w, Mortal Kombat 2, Tekken 5, Pain, Warhawk, Bowling, Super Stardust, Calling All Cars, Aquatopia, and Everyday Shooter.

Compare them with the top ten Xbox Live Arcade games from last year: TMNT 1989 Arcade, Worms, Castlevania: SOTN, Uno, Bomberman Live, 3D Ultra Minigolf Adventures, Sonic The Hedgehog, Pinball FX, Geometry Wars Evolved, Texas Hold 'em.

The services aren't identical, so this isn't exactly an apples-to-apples comparison, but one does have to wonder if this says more about PSN and XBLA themselves or the audiences they serve. Is the PSN simply a haven for indie games, or does the 360's audience just plain prefer more tried-and-true content? Would flOw be a hit on XBLA? Would Uno score on PSN?

Source: Blog WIRED