New update and short QA
First of all, the team would like to thank your for the interest and all the feedback left at numerous gaming web portals and sites, both negative and positive. Your opinion helps us to see our drawbacks and add stones to the concrete of the game to make it stronger and better. We care about your feedback, ake conclusions and do our best with the game.
Now, a short QA following your feedback:
Q: Source seems to be rather old hat for now to develop a project that is going to be released Q2 2009.
A: That statement has some grounding to it, but. The game engine choice depends on specific game features planned, solutions you apply to get that final picture and atmosphere (whatever they are – end effect is key) and the project structure itself. Taking all the factors into account, our choice fell on Source, and we evaluated a few technologies. Still though, for example, we signed an exchange program with Emergent (Gamebryo 2.3.) for one of the Salvation spin-offs planned, as Source wouldn't fit for that game. I think you get our point here.
Q: It looks like a HL2 mod!
A: It's really the early in-game screenshots. If you want us to cheat you by howing fake screens, we can do it, just tell us =). Though we prefer to show the rogress on every stage of the game development and have a doze of your influenceto the process. You can check new screens in today's update. They are partially a esult of your comments, btw.
Q: The story seems interesting but it's kind of fuzzy and description on the site born more questions than give answers.
A: Guys, we have more than a year to go with the game, so be sure we'll shed ome more light on the story. For obvious reasons, cannot spoil you the whole cript:).
Q: They have replicated Christ?! You'll burn in a hell for that game - infidels!
A: It's not as easy as it seems at the first glance; - game story is much more omplicated. C'mon, think wider than that:) We are not a bunch of like Satan-worshipers or something, it's all a devotion to science fiction (a little bit daring maybe) and last thing we would like to do is to hurt somebody's feelings.
Q: Ergh… how about web-site in Russian?
A: Check the site at Monday! We also promise proofread English texts)
So, today we bring you a batch of new screenshots from ome of Eastern European locations and one of the compositions from official game soundtrack – "Magenta Dawn". Like we said before – feel free to shoot your comments.
We will follow them and make our conclusions.