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Sunday, March 16, 2008

Namco Bandi - Bubble wrap popping comes to Nintendo Wii

Ouchi de Puti Puti Wii might be the strangest WiiWare title to date.

For 800 Wii Points you get a bubble wrap destroying adventure that spans across 40 levels.

Namco Bandai is developing the title and it includes vibration feedback.

Perhaps even more interesting to note is this game is based on a Japanese toy made by Bandai. Puti Puti is a plastic keychain with buttons and bubble wrap sound effects.

Part of the “fun” of destroying bubble wrap is releasing tension with each tiny burst of air. While this hobby isn’t environmentally friendly, it can be cathartic.

After trying out one of the many flash bubble wrap popping games I can’t imagine the Wii version having the same effect as the real thing. However, you can't pop giant pieces of salmon roe in real life without making a mess.
