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Monday, February 25, 2008

Nintendo: No downloads for Smash Bros. Wii, DS version possible?

An earlier rumour stemming from Japan indicated that Super Smash Bros. Brawl on Wii would eventually let users download new content to the game using the WiiConnect24 service, as well as via buying content using traditional download methods and Wii Points. However, it has now been confirmed in a new interview with Masahiro Sakurai that nothing of the sort is coming.

Talking with IGN’s Wii Channel, Sakurai-san, who worked with HAL Laboratory for thirteen years before leaving to set-up his own independent company ‘Sora’, started off by pointing out that Sora is in fact only made up of two people, himself included. The team that created Smash Bros. itself was made up of external partners and key Nintendo staff. As for whether Sora has 100% sworn its allegiance to Nintendo, Sakurai rather candidly said “I have no particular ties to them and, of course, any company that comes along to me afterwards and says, ‘Hey, we have an interesting project for you,’ I’m going to look at that and going to help with that job.” So Sony and Microsoft fans hoping to see the talented developer’s work on the Xbox 360 and / or PlayStation 3 might still get the chance.

Quickly moving on, he nearly slips up and confirms his involvement in another Smash Bros. game by saying the following:

“I feel like anything I’ve considered I’m probably going to think about when — I mean if — another game was to come out in the series and so I’d like to keep a lid on that for now. and not disclose anything I’ve been thinking about there.”

But could that have just been an honest ’slip of the tongue’ mistake or if he already tied down to a future project by Nintendo and Satoru Iwata? Clearly there are aspects that were not possible to include in this edition, such as Voice Chat,

“Well, when I first started making Smash Bros. Brawl, I thought it would be wonderful if online battles between friends had voice chat and potentially keyboard based chat as well. But there are all sorts of rules and regulations regarding communication on the Wii platform and so it was apparent to me that it just wouldn’t come together, we weren’t going to be able to do it, so we decided to cancel that feature. I’m very sorry about that. But if you’re really desperate for it, you could set up Skype by your game station and go at it with a friend if you like.”

From: Nintendic