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Thursday, October 18, 2007

Wii get fit together

As temperatures cool across the country, kids will be spending even more time indoors playing video games. But if you can’t beat 'em, why not join 'em?

That’s what I did. One of my sons got a Wii console for his birthday. In addition to all the superhero games and Pokemon, he also got a slew of sports games.

Intrigued, I decided to challenge him to boxing. Wow, was that a workout! My arms were burning, my heart rate was up and I was loving it.

I’ve recently started playing the tennis game myself. And my son and I really get going on the bowling.

So next time you feel like you’re about to pull your hair out from all the video games, think about joining in on one of the latest fitness trends: exergaming. Besides Wii, you also can check out the offerings from PlayStation and Xbox.

A few sessions a week of exergaming can help you get in shape right in your living room. And it’s a fun way to reconnect with the kids and get them moving, too.

Just tell the youngsters to hand over the controls. Mama (or Papa) is ready for a workout!

Source: MSNBC