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Thursday, October 18, 2007

Nintendo Offers New Vision for Video Games in Flash Focus

Nintendo has brought gamers another training game for the DS, Flash Focus: Vision Training in Minutes a Day.

As Brain Age gives your noggin a work out, Flash Focus hones your hand-eye coordination, peripheral vision and visual acuity. The game is based on high-tech computerized visual training programs used by today’s top athletes.

“Flash Focus represents another one of our software titles that delivers fun with a purpose,” says George Harrison, Nintendo of America’s senior vice president of marketing and corporate communications. “Flash Focus should be in the training arsenal of every coach in the country, but it’s also ideal for casual game players of any age who want to keep their vision sharp.”

Flash Focus is designed to be played a few minutes every day, with the game tracking your eye age as you progress.

Here are some of the features of Flash Focus:

  • A variation of the hidden ball “hat dance” seen at baseball parks: A circle is placed in one of three boxes, and the user must follow the location of the circle as the boxes shuffle rapidly on the screen.
  • Watching two symbols flash on the screen, then tapping the touch screen to indicate whether they matched.
  • Memorizing a target letter and counting how many times it appears in a fast-moving stream of letters on the screen.

    Flash Focus: Vision Training in Minutes a Day comes out in retail stores today.